Donate to TOSOS

Thank you for supporting queer theater!

All donations are tax-deductible and go directly to support free play readings for the community and mainstage productions.

Become a sustaining member!

IN-KIND Donations

Interested in other ways of supporting TOSOS? We happily welcome corporate sponsorships, in-kind gifts or services, rehearsal space grants, etc. Please contact us with the details.


Through our mainstage productions and our free reading series, our audiences — and especially our LGBTQ+ youth — can hear the voices of both the past and the present to learn how far we’ve come (or not) as a community. They are given the opportunity to understand the generations who came before us, what life was like for them, and how they fought for the rights and freedoms we have today. At the same time, we give the stage to the writers of the present day who help us understand the continued struggles and incremental triumphs of our community and give us perspective on our collective progress.

Help us keep our LGBTQIA+ theatrical heritage alive by becoming a sustaining member!


Founder’s Circle ($5,000 - $20,000)

Angela Lansbury Foundation
Iris and Saul Katz Foundation
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council
Marvin Schiller
Thomas Schumacher Foundation

Pride Circle ($1,000 -$4,999)

Chris Andersson
Rob Byrnes •
Danny Dang - Esco Drug Company, Inc
Brian Gavin
Ken Goldman & Barry Boehm
Jamie Heinlein  
Olu Howard
The Indie Theater Fund
Robin & Steve Kaufmann
The Marta Heflin Foundation
Kathleen Warnock •
Chris Weikel

Friends Circle ($200 - $999)

David Andersson
Virginia Baeta •
Kevin Brofsky
Rosalind Brown
Sean Chandler
Barry Childs
Meryl Cohn
Louise & George Connors
Ryan Cusack •
Oscar De las salas
Gail Dennison
Brett Douglas
Michele Evard
David Groff
Robert Handsman
Kathy Heinlein
Rick Hinkson
W. Thomas Koch •
Irwin Kroot & Anthony Catanzaro •
Paulette Mann
Ann Northrop
Carol Ostrow
Ben Philipp
Tom Pologruto
Will Potterveld •
Matthew Pucker
Carol Rosenfeld
Kara Russell •
Matthew Ryburn
Ashok Sinha
David Steinberger
David Stern •
Tara Sullivan
Michael Zegarski & Patrick Porter

• Monthly Sustainer